Snow!? School Open?

Snow or ice? Click here for school closings and prepare for more! Get the free KXXO Mixx 96.1 streaming app for your smartphone from Google Play or the App Store or put fresh batteries in your radio! Listen to KXXO Mixx 96.1 for school closings, South Sound weather updates, and Freeway Hero traffic!

Win TriBond! Meow Meow tickets!

Win tickets to International siren and comedienne extraordinaire Meow Meow February 22 at the Washington Center, and hand-crafted, whole-bean Cutters Point Coffee. Play TriBond February 10-14 at 7:40am with your “Good Morning Mixx” on KXXO Mixx 96.1. The contest line is (360) 943-9696.

Win! Family Fun!

Win a family pass to the Hands On Children’s Museum and the National Geographic kid’s book Mysterious, Marvelous Octopus. Play “That’s Not Right” with Anna Winter at 3:20pm February 10-14 on KXXO Mixx 96.1. Contest number is 360-943-9696.

Your Community! Pust Program/Podcast!

Olympia grew up listening to Dick Pust chatting with candidates for local office and representatives from every community group one could imagine. On his Your Community program (on-air Saturdays at 7am) and podcast (on demand), Dick talks with, as he says, “people … making our lives better.” Sponsored in part by Americool Heating and Air Conditioning. If you would be interested in sponsoring “Your Community” or purchasing “Your Community” on-air and digital advertising, contact Brian Butler at 360-943-9937.

Win More! Join Loyal Listener Club!

KXXO Loyal Listener Club members get more chances to win – often an exclusive new contest in Wednesday’s email newsletter! Click here to join (it’s FREE and your info will not be shared or sold). Loyal Listeners are the first to find out what we’re doing – and they’re also our advisory panel, letting us know what we can do to improve KXXO Mixx 96.1. Join now and help us build a better KXXO Mixx 96.1!

Our Top 15! See our Songs!

Watch the videos for our Top 15 new songs! While we mix(x) songs from the ’80s to now, often hits you no longer hear on the radio, these are just the strongest of today’s hit songs.  Need to know the name of a song? Email John at with date/time played, sung by male or female, and any distinctive lyrics.

Listen On Your Smart Speaker

Problems getting the right Mixx 96.1 on your Alexa? Say “Alexa, Enable KXXO Skill” or click on audio below.

After you’ve done that one time, you should be able to say “Alexa, play KXXO” and be able to hear us successfully. NOTE: You will only get the correct Mixx 96.1 if you say “Play KXXO.”

Traffic Woe Foes

Follow traffic in the South Sound with KXXO Mixx 96.1 Freeway Hero traffic updates on air at 96.1 FM and the cameras and info at

Listen Live On Your Smartphone!

Listen on your phone! You can get our Apple mobile streaming app at the App Store or our Android app through the Play Store. Search for KXXO!